문상현의 카미노 (링반데룽)

산티아고 가는 길(프랑세스)#2일차 본문

까미노 데 산티아고

산티아고 가는 길(프랑세스)#2일차

까미l노 2008. 8. 28. 18:33

2 - From Roncesvalles to Larrasoaña


Another early start

Mist on the meadows

Roncesvalles logging centre

Burguete/ Auritz (All the villages here have a Spanish name and a Basque name)

A house with an ancient coat of arms

Ancient ford with modern bridge

Way mark

Ford with stepping stones

Ford with bridge (and two other fords fairly soon after)

Cross roads with log felling which has removed the way marks but it is fairly obviously straight on


The supermarket at the end of the village is the first place one can buy an omelette for breakfast

Backtrack to where the camino turns left out of the village

Waymark at junction of tracks

Way mark

Way mark

New roundabout and ancient ford (alas with no stepping stones)

This section of the camino is a nicely paved track

3-way fork with the camino in the middle

The camino with 2 other pilgrims. one meets and re-meets people, but there is plenty of space to walk alone if you want to.

Viskarret/ Biskarreta

The author feeling that over 20 deg C is too hot for walking!

Mobile phone masts - the trappings of civilisation are never far away

... and a picnic area at the Col de Erro where the camino crosses a main highway

Logging chewed up 50 metres of the camino

This section is said to be "almost impassable" in wet weather

Derelict house on the camino

Informal way mark

Medieval bridge at Zubari (where there is a fountain in the village)

A rather tiresome section circumnavigating a huge cement works

If you see this, you have missed the turning

which actually goes down these steps by the telegraph pole a little further back

and then goes across and besides some waste heaps

The road then gets better and climbs up to a farmhouse

I mistakenly thought the village in the valley was Larrasoana and headed down past this church - a mistake, I had missed the marker for the camino which keeps on the same contour

You will only see this notice if you miss the turning too and arrive by the main road - just as well since the figure in our book was 721 km to go!

The refugio here is run by D. Santiago Zubiri Elizalde who has done the pilgrimage twice himself.

This refugio has superior facilities

including real hot water