문상현의 카미노 (링반데룽)

32박33일 프랑세스 길 본문

까미노 데 산티아고

32박33일 프랑세스 길

까미l노 2008. 8. 28. 18:28


The development of www.santiago-compostela.net in 2004 and 2005 has been assisted
by the Xunta de Galicia and by the Spanish Tourist Office in London -
for details, please see our home page


  • The division of the route of the Camino Francés into stages is purely arbitrary, though for most people it is constrained by the location of the refugios, whether they want to use the opportunities for sightseeing, particularly in the big cities., and whether they want rest days or half rest days. For example, there are no refugios between St.-Jean-Pied-de-Port and Roncesvalles, so you cannot do a lesser distance, and few people are inclined to do more! Pamplona, Burgos and Leon all have enough sights to fill several days if you have the time.
  • If you would be interested in taking the digital photographs for any other parts of the Camino in France or Spain, please get in touch by Email
  • We would welcome your feedback - particularly if you can identify any of the flowers I was keen to photograph but hopeless at naming.
  • We are most grateful to Verena Moser for translating many of our pages into German , to John Butt who translated all of the pages into Spanish in under a month, to Hideko Suzuki for the many Japanese pages , to Mila Torndahl for the Swedish pages , to Gilles Franqueville and Laure Castillou for the first French pages and to Barry Woudenberg and Arno Cuppen for the Dutch pages - these pages are indicated with a link in the list below. If you would like to help in translations to French, Italian, Dutch or any other language, please let us know
  • Buen camino to all our visitors - and please don't forget to register when you have reached Santiago!


The stages of the Camino Franc?
Stage 1 - 프랑스 St.Jean-Pied-de-Port(생장피드포르)에서 스페인 Roncesvalles(론세스바예스)까지 25 km - 58 pictures

Stage 2 - Roncesvalles(론세스바예스)에서 Larrasoana(라라소냐)까지 26 km - 76 pictures

Stage 3 - 라라소냐(Larrasoaña)에서 팜플로나(Pamplona)까지 15 km (to allow sightseeing
in Pamplona) - 36 pictures

Stage 4 - Pamplona(팜플로나)에서 Puente la Reina(푸엔테 라 레이나)까지 25 km - 40 pictures

Stage 5 - Puente la Reina(푸엔테 라 레이나)에서 Estella(에스테야)까지 21 km - 24 pictures

Stage 6 - Estella(에스테야)에서 Torres del Rio(토레스 델 리오)까지 22 km - 22 pictures

Stage 7 - Torres del Rio(토레스 델 리오)에서 Logroño(로그로뇨)까지 21 km - 28 pictures

Stage 8 - Logroño(로그로뇨)에서 Nájera(나헤라)까지 29 km (+40 km detour
to Clavijo) - 44 pictures

Stage 9 - Nájera(나헤라)에서 Santo Domingo de la Calzada(산토 도밍고 데 라 칼자다)까지 21 km (plus a 40 km.
side trip to Yuso and Cañas
monasteries)- 28 pictures

Stage 10 - Santo Domingo de la Calzada (산토 도밍고 데 라 칼자다)에서 Belorado(벨로라도)까지 23 km - 23 pictures
Stage 11 - Belorado(벨로라도)에서 San Juan de Ortega(산 후안 데 오르테가)까지 24 km - 29 pictures

Stage 12 - San Juan de Ortega(산 후안 데 오르테가)에서 Burgos(부르고스)까지 27 km - 24 pictures

Stage 13 - Burgos(부르고스)에서Castrojeríz(카스트로헤리스)까지 39 km - 30 pictures

Stage 14 - Castrojeríz(카스트로헤리스)에서 Frómista (프로미스타)까지 25 km - 28 pictures

Stage 15 - Frómista(프로미스타)에서 Carrión de los Condes(카리온 데 로스 콘데스)까지 19 km - 20 pictures

Stage 16 - Carrión de los Condes(카리온 데 로스 콘데스)에서 Sahagún (사아군)까지 38 km - 30 pictures

Stage 17 Sahagún(사아군)에서 El Burgo Ranero (엘 부르고 라네로)까지 18 km - 10 pictures

Stage 18 - El Burgo Ranero(엘 부르고 라네로)에서 Mansilla de las Mulas(만시야 데 라스 물라스)까지 19 km - 10 pictures

Stage 19 - Mansilla de las Mulas(만시야 데 라스 물라스)에서 León(레온)까지 17 km - 16 pictures

Stage 20 - León(레온)에서 Villadangos(비야당고스)까지 22 km - 12 pictures

Stage 21 - Villadangos(비야당고스)에서 Astorga(아스토르가)까지 26 km - 34 pictures

  Stage 22 - Astorga(아스토르가)에서 Rabanal del Camino(라바날 델 카미노)까지 21 km - 32 pictures

Stage 23 - Rabanal del Camino(라바날 델 카미노)에서 Ponferrada(폰페라다)까지 33 km - 50 pictures

Stage 24 - Ponferrada(폰페라다)에서 Villafranca del Bierzo(비야프란카 델 비에르소)까지 23 km - 38 pictures <

Stage 25 - Villafranca del Bierzo(비야프란카 델 비에르소)에서 O Cebreiro(오 세브레이로)까지 28 km - 65 pictures

Stage 26 - O Cebreiro(오 세브레이로)에서 Sarria(사리아)까지 (사모스 길을 따라서) 39 km - 29 pictures

Stage 27 - Sarria(사리아)에서Portomarín(포르토마린)까지 21 km - 46 pictures

Stage 28 - Portomarín(포르토마린)에서 Palas de Rei(팔라스 데 레이)까지 24 km - 36 pictures

Stage 29 - Palas de Rei(팔라스 데 레이)에서 Arzúa(아르수아)까지 29 km - 42pictures

Stage 30 - Arzúa(아르수아)에서 Santiago de Compostela(산티아고 데 콤포스텔라)까지 39 km - 42 pictures

Page 31 Finisterre(피니스테레)로 향하는 순례의 연장선 42 pictures

Page 32 Santiago(산티아고) 시에?48 pictures


The waymarking along the route is, in general, extremely good. In France, the route from St.-Jean-Pied-de-Port is part of the long-distance GR65 footpath, and is marked by the red and white flash of the GR network. There are separate red and white to indicate changes of direction, and a red line crossed with a white one to indicate that you have taken the wrong turning. In Spain, the official mark is the stylised scallop shell on a blue background, which is often placed on the walls of houses well above eye level to indicate the route through villages and towns. In open country, one frequently encounters these signs are often found embedded in small concrete pillars. There are also signboards with this mark at the top, a pedestrian sign in the middle, and a direction arrow at the bottom; these are much used at road crossings. The red and white GR flashes are also found from time to time in Spain. However, the most common mark is a yellow arrow, which may be painted on trees, rocks, kerbstones, storm water gutters etc. Sometimes a yellow stripe is painted on trees as a continuation marker for reassurance. Some other waymarks incorporating the scallop shell can be found in the photographs.

Waymarking can never be perfect - logging operations appeared to have removed all the marks at two points on this trip, though it was reasonably obvious which way the path continued.

For pictures of many of the different varieties of waymarks, please visit our waymarks page
This page has had     visitors including yourself since its major revision on 15 November 2004. Thank you for your visit - please come again!