문상현의 카미노 (링반데룽)

산티아고 가는 길(프랑세스) #3일차 본문

까미노 데 산티아고

산티아고 가는 길(프랑세스) #3일차

까미l노 2008. 8. 28. 18:35

Stage 3 - From Larrasoaña to Pamplona

The Refugio is in the right hand half of the town hall

We had an excellent pilgrim dinner at the Cafe Bar Larrasoaña

and returned for an equally good breakfast, complete with omelette, next morning

There are a few empty houses in the village

because it is expensive to repair old houses, but cheap to build new ones

The medieval bridge carrying the camino into Larrasoaña

A short stretch along the main road

Wayside fountain

Ancient church

Pamplona is just the other side of the mountain

Tunnel under the Pamplona ring road

First view of Trinidad de Arre

with its medieval bridge

After this, it is city streets all the way into Pamplona, but mostly straight on and well waymarked

You go behind the pottery shop

Two curious houses a century or so old, and covered with scallop shells

Distant view of the cathedral

The medieval pilgrim bridge into the city

The old walls of the city

and the historic pilgrim's gate

The refugio opposite the Town Hall. It was shut till Easter, and is often full up. We stayed with a lady who rents out very comfortable beds at modest prices at calle Nueva 24 (1st floor) with a sign "CAMAS" (beds))

sundial at the junction of c/ San Gregorio and c/San Miguel opposite the ancient tower of San Nicolas church.

Modern pyramid sundial in a new housing estate

Sundial on the right hand tower of the cathedral

The left hand one is supposed to have the largest church bell in Spain

This Roman mosaic pavement is just one of the treasures in the Museo de Navarra