문상현의 카미노 (링반데룽)

산티아고 가는 길(프랑세스) #4일차 본문

까미노 데 산티아고

산티아고 가는 길(프랑세스) #4일차

까미l노 2008. 8. 28. 18:36

Stage 4 - From Pamplona to Puente la Reina


The most comfortable bed so far, with sheets, at Camas, calle Nueva 24 (1st floor) at Euro 15.

The Camino passing under the inner ring road

A new pedestrian bridge for the camino

First view of Cizur Menor

The Church in Cizur Menor

Leaving the old village

..and passing a new "urbanisation"

You start on a new road, but branch off to the left at a waymark

A distant village

Zariquiegul, which has a good fountain with benches nearby for weary travelers

The long line of wind machines is visible from far away

and there is a metal sculpture of all the people and animals of the camino at the top

Looking forward towards Puente la Reina

and looking back at the wind machines with vapour trails in the sky. It was hot!

This short descent was one of the worst bits of the route, with large loose stones

Distant view of Uterga

where there was supposed to be a cafe but it had closed down

so on, tired, towards Munuzabal, which did have a cafe, but today there was no food.

A very good section for flowers

..and several trees full of mistletoe

The very distinctive church of Eunate

with a mass dial (or scratch dial) carved in to the stone

and there is another one over the lintel of the adjoining building

The doorway

Virgin and child

Very interesting roof

The building next door which is being turned into a refugio by Jan Melis. This will be extremely helpful since the day is a long one with the diversion to Eunate.

The refugio at the entrance to Puente la Reina

You have to book in at the college porter's office under the archway

The dormitory. There are also hot showers and kitchen facilities