문상현의 카미노 (링반데룽)

Finisterre & Muxia #5(세상의 끝 대서양 언덕) 본문

까미노 데 산티아고

Finisterre & Muxia #5(세상의 끝 대서양 언덕)

까미l노 2008. 8. 28. 18:27


The main street of Dumbria

The Xacobeo bar in Dumbria, fallen on hard times

Crossing the Rio Fragoso, with the road bridge alongside

Waymark at road crossing

More welcome eucalyptus woods

Horreos in Transufe

Wayside cross, horreo, and bell tower separate from its church

The strangest horrio, built on the roof of a house

Timber operations

Road veering left, with yellow arrow and waymark

This must the largest horreo in Galicia, with 22 pairs of legs

Detail with sheep

Church at St. Martino de Orzón

Detail of capitals at the back of the apse

Entering Os Mui&tilden;os

Old house with a very fine sundial

Detail of sundial

Church at Moraime

Fountain and washplace

Excellent view of Muxia on its promontary

Flowers of the sand dunes

Approaching Muxia along the coast

Since there is no refugio in Muxia, they let you sleep in the polydeportivo. It does not look very attractive, but it works well in some ways; there is lots of personal space, and you can have as many foam matresses as you like. Pity about the hot water, though.

Some good blisters on a fellow pi