문상현의 카미노 (링반데룽)

Finisterre & Muxia#3(세상의 끝 대서양 언덕) 본문

까미노 데 산티아고

Finisterre & Muxia#3(세상의 끝 대서양 언덕)

까미l노 2008. 8. 28. 18:23


The start of one of the nicest sections of this Camino

The hamlet of Logoso

First view of the chimneys of the carbide factory, visible for miles around

but without which this excellent cafe at Hospital would not exist

The double waymark where the Camino divides, Finisterre to the left and Muxia to the right.

Road crossing with wayside cross

View across the valley

Santuario de Nosa Señe;ora das Neves

Cross in the field below the church


Four-way junction

Chapel of San Pedro Martir

with another handsome new fuente, complete with h bench for the convenient immersion of tired feet.

Pointed marker stone - and first view of the sea for nearly 900 km.

Descent towards cée

Wayside cross at entrance to Cée

One of the few old houses in Cée

The cemetery

The main square

Town centre

The new esplanade

End of the esplanade and fishing boats

Port of Corcubión, the next village

Old street in Corcubión

Practicising the trumpet in the main square

Fish in the clear water of the harbour

It was the annual Saint's day in Corcubión; and the Virgin was brought out from the church and given a trip out to sea.

Preparing to lift the Virgin from the boat

The town band was very enthusiatic

Strong men assembling for the journey back to the Chruch

where there is an image of San Roque showing his wound, and with the pilgrim staff and scallop shell, and his fiathful dog

Looking back at Corcubión

A very useful fuente

First viw of Sardineiro

Distant view of Cape Finisterre

Good sandy beaches on this stretch

Looking back

Nice wooded path

Closer view of Cape Finisterre

A secret beach

Waymark with large marker for the beginning of the Corredoira de Don Camilo, a beachside esplanade which carries you the last three kilometres to Finisterre

Beach scene

End of the walkway and ascent to the mirador

Cliffs and the distant port

Street in Finisterre

and another

Jenelle from Canada shows off her seafood