문상현의 카미노 (링반데룽)

Finisterre & Muxia #4(세상의 끝 대서양 언덕) 본문

까미노 데 산티아고

Finisterre & Muxia #4(세상의 끝 대서양 언덕)

까미l노 2008. 8. 28. 18:26


Another early start for a long day

blessed by a glorious sunrise

The church of San Martin de Duyo
Duyo was the former Roman city where tradition says the disciples asked for permissin to bury the body of Saint James (Santiago)

Fuente with washing troughs

Wayside marker (on this route , the shells all point updwards since it is signed for both directions

Herodesuxo de Abaixo

The rural Hotel Dugium in San Salvador

First view of Rial

Horreo in Buxan

The sawmill at Buxan

Lovely views of the coast

The yellow arrows often have an F for Finisterre and an M for Muxia

Inviting beaches

The bridge at Lires

Street in Lires

One of the two "bed-and-breakfast" places in Lires

Very good omelettes atBar As Eiras, which also has rooms

Stepping stones across the Rio Castro - the middle ones were under water, and the last one had been levered out of the way to make it even more difficult

The hamlet of Baosilveiro consists of one house

Horses grazing

Wayside cross and fuente in; Morquintián

Waymark on house with two of the very loud dogs, quite frequent company on the Camino - nearly all of them are, fortunately, chained.

Beach far below the Camino

Street scenes in Muxia

The port

Panorama of view of the Bay of Muxia

The church of A Barca, which commemorates the stone boat in which the Virgin Mary is said to have come to Spain to encourage Santiago in his missionary efforts. The stone boat was guided by angels.

The "sacred stone" near the church which has been said to have magical properties for thousands of years.

The monument to commemorate the restoration of the coast of galicia after the oil catastrophe of the Prestige in 2002