문상현의 카미노 (링반데룽)

산티아고 아르곤 #8 본문

까미노 데 산티아고

산티아고 아르곤 #8

까미l노 2008. 8. 28. 18:14

Day 8 - Sanguesa to Eunate and Puente La Reina


The roofs of Sanguesa

The San Blas stone marks the crossing of two Caminos

The hamlet of Yarnoz

which one leaves on a fine road as far as the cemetery!

There are hills always on your left

and a great plain (currently with motorways under construction) on your right



Guerendiain - a very well-tended villege

The castle at Tiebas

which also has a very good cafe

Disruption due to roadworks

The tunnel under the motorway

Back on a good track again

Muruarte de Reta

Distant view of Olcoz

First view of Eneriz

Main street of Eneriz

A fitting sign for my last day on the Camino Arangones

Santa Maria de Eunate - "the jewel of the Camino". This unusual octagonal Romanesque church stands in the middle of cornfields, between Enériz and Puente la Reina. It is surrounded by a free-standing colonnade.

Its origins are obscure - some believe that it was a church of the Knights Templar, and that the octagonal design came from the East, being based on the Templar church of the holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. Whatever its origins, it is a place of great calm - one of the places where one feels a great sense of unity with all those pilgrims who have gone before.

The main portal with richly decorated carving

The cloister with its slim double pillars

Patterns on the cobbles

Santa Maria de Eunate

The windows of translucent stone

Interior looking towards the altar