문상현의 카미노 (링반데룽)

산티아고 아르곤 #5 본문

까미노 데 산티아고

산티아고 아르곤 #5

까미l노 2008. 8. 28. 18:06

Day 5 - Arres to Artieda


Arrés also has a nice little sundial

Looking back at Arrés in the early dawn

Path dividing from the road

Strange to be in a land so flat only two days from the Pyrenees

Quite a wide variety of soils

including the frequent bare eroded hillocks

Distant view of pilgrims apparently striding to nowhere

A consoling waymark

More moonscape hillocks

The farm tracks keep going for miles

Distant view of Artieda (together with the impending thunderstorm of incredible fury

where we are greeted by the two hospitaleros (with a French pilgrim)

who also run a flourishing café bar

This was a short walking day

and a good opportunity to look all round the village

including climbing to the top of the church tower

admiring the roof patterns

and the view of the route to come

chile peppers out to dry

faded grandeur

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