문상현의 카미노 (링반데룽)

산티아고 아르곤 #6 본문

까미노 데 산티아고

산티아고 아르곤 #6

까미l노 2008. 8. 28. 18:08

Camino Aragonés day 6 - Artieda to Sanguesa



Looking back at Artieda

First view of the Pantano de Yeso

More of the mysterious lunar landscape

Very nice shaded walking

and a very good crop of fungi

Ruined Ermita de San Juan Batrtista protected by a rather incongruous corrugated iron roof.

Interior - this is all that remains of the Monastery de Maltray

The castle of Ruesta, a deserted village

with crumbling houses

Closer view of the Embalse de Yeso

The castle

Interior of the castle

Views from the castle mound

Ancient church now used as a store for the refugio

Terrace of the refugio café

Leaving Ruesta

Bridge over the Rio Regal

Ermita de Santago Apóstol (the last remains of the Priory of Santiago de Ruesta)

The Embalse keeps on reappearing

Big timber operations in this area

Well preserved section of Roman road near Undués de Lerda

Undués de Lerda has some big hourses but most of the population have now left since the dam waw built

Entering Navarra


It was extremely hot on this stretch: I was fortunate that a poem had been forming in my head, so I had an excuse to stop for a bit to write it down

The audience did not seem to be too impressed and just went on eating

Outskirts of Sangueaa

Interior of the refugio

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