문상현의 카미노 (링반데룽)

산티아고 아르곤 #7 본문

까미노 데 산티아고

산티아고 아르곤 #7

까미l노 2008. 8. 28. 18:10

Camino Aragonés day 7 - Sanguesa to Monreal



Doorway of church of San Salvador, Sanguesa

The Vallesantoro mansion, now owned by the local council

Doorway of the church of Santiago

Church of Santa Maria el Real at dawn


Column detail

Arch detail

Amazing animal carvings

Cooling ponds with rising steam<br>

The first of many lines of wind generators

Rocaforte - the ancient site of Sanguesa

Another waymark variation

The fountain of San Francisco, who is reputed to have made the pilgrimage and to have stopped here

One really appreciates all this shade in the early morning of these very hot days

Fellow pilgrim refilling water bottles for the day ahead

White crocus

Underpass at a crossing with a new road</td>

More welcome shade

Very nice path through varied landscapes

Well-marked turn of the Camino off the farm track
Many rose-hips along the way

The summit level at last

First view of a very distinctive hill which is very slow at getting any closer!

First view of Izco

The pelota court at Izco with the entrance to the refugio on the right
The fountain at Izco

Long roads and dusty pilgrims

First view of Abinzano

River crossing at a ford

First view of Monreal

Medieval bridge at Monreal

Chile peppers on sale at a house door

Street scene

The steps up to the refugio

Large dormitory area in the refugio

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