문상현의 카미노 (링반데룽)

대서양의 언덕 세상의 끝 (피네스테레) 본문

까미노 데 산티아고

대서양의 언덕 세상의 끝 (피네스테레)

까미l노 2008. 8. 28. 18:16

The Camino to Finisterre and Muxia

Most people end their Camino in Santiago. It is well worth considering going on the Finisterre - this extension takes 3 days, and is much less crowded than the Camino Francés, and this can be a welcome relief. there are 3 good refugios on the route, though they are perhaps not ideally placed. The first one, at Negreira, is only 21 km. from Santiago, so that you can reach it by mid-afternoon. the next two stages are over 30 km., and thus make very long days. The refugio at Finisterre is much more crowded, with pilgrims who have come by bus, but it is well worth seeing the sun go down into the sea at the end of the world. And you can then continue along the coast to Muxia - you will hardly meet anyone if you do this walk. Or you can go direct to Muxia, and then walk from there to Finisterre (since this section is waymarked in both directions)

Santiago de Compostela
Stage 1 25 km - 58 pictures
Stage 2 26 km - 76 pictures
Stage 3 15 km - 36 pictures
Finisterre to Muxia
Stage 4 25 km - 40 pictures
Olveiroa to Muxia
Stage 3a 21 km - 24 pictuures