문상현의 카미노 (링반데룽)

산티아고 아르곤 #3 본문

까미노 데 산티아고

산티아고 아르곤 #3

까미l노 2008. 8. 28. 17:55


Day 3 - From Somport to Jaca





The first of the Spanish waymarks in the early dawn.

Cadanchu, a ski and holiday resort just below Somport

The GR signposts guide you all the way to Puente La Reian

Stony paths to start with

Dawn touching the peaks of the Pyrenees

... with some welcome cool shade down in the valleys

Approaching Canfranc Estacion

The magnificent railway station

which used to serve the smart international set changng from French to Spanish trains, but now gets only a few local Spanish trains each day

and the offices of the Highway Department

Camino diverging from the highway before the tunnel

Finely sculpted dam

The town of Canfranc lower down the valley

More relics from the railway age

Medieval bridge

The new road leaps across a gorge, but only gives crouching space to the Camino


The bar in Villanua

Nice wide path, but the loose stones meant you had to watch every step

The stony track seems to go on for ever!

but finally ends in Castillo de Jaca, a lovely medieval village

You then cross to the other side of the Río Aragon

and cross a tributary, the Rio Ijuez, on stepping stones

Lovely views of the Aragon, slowly increaseing in size all the way

and so into the approaches to Jaca

sign on an old bridge

The refugio at Jaca These two photos courtesy of and © Rob Steele 2006

The dining room of the excellent refugio at dawn

very good facilities

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