문상현의 카미노 (링반데룽)

산티아고 아르곤 길#2 본문

까미노 데 산티아고

산티아고 아르곤 길#2

까미l노 2008. 8. 28. 17:52


Day 2 - Bedous to Somport & the Spanish frontier

Early morning start from Bedous


Very good breakfast at the Hotel Permayous on the main road bypassing Accous

The useful "wrong way" direction marker

The horses of the equestrian centre between Accous and Cette-Eygun. You can join a guided horseriding group to Santiago here, or you can stay the night with an evening meal, breakfast, and, if you need it, collection from further down the valley

The path is on the N134 for several sections after this - fortunately there is not much traffic on it

Wooden bridge over the Aspe

Entering Etsaut, just off the Camino on the left. (Borce on the left is older and more cultural, but Etsaut has the bars and hotels)

The bar in the main square of Etsaut

The old road out of Etsaut

The road sections mainly have good wide verges, but there are short sections which are narrower - fortunately there is very little traffic.

Arrival at Urdos

with a little bridge over the street

the valley broadens out

and there was ahelicopter bringing mountain cheeses down to the railhead

Irish pilgrim exhausted by the hot day!

The path takes to the woods for the last few km. to the summit

Lots of mushrooms and funghi

Occasional open sections with fantastic views

Nearly at the top

A wall full of curious curled worms on a deserted ski lodge

Only 400m. to the summit

The actual summit.

Statue ofr a pilgrim attaining the summit

The excellent refugio on the Spanish side, which had a very good café in the same building. .

The summit shrine
The last three photos are courtesy of and copyright © Rob Steele. 2006

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