목록까미노 데 산티아고 (244)
문상현의 카미노 (링반데룽)
day17 - Sahagún(사아군)에서 El Burgo Ranero (엘 부르고 라네로)까지 이곳에서 여정을 끝마쳤던 독일 순례자를 위한 십자가 처음 보이는 Bercianos de Real Camino(파르시아노스 데 레알 카미노) 숙소 El Burgo Ranero(엘 부르고 라네로)의 흙담벽 길 위의 성 야고보(산티아고) 십자가
day16 - Carrión de los Condes(카리온 데 로스 콘데스)에서 Sahagún (사아군)까지 사아군)까지 Carrión(카리온)밖의 길표지 길 위의 순례자들, 그리고 멀찌감치 떨어져 있는 고속도로. 덕분에 차들은 순례길과는 떨어져 있네요. 꽃 또 꽃 처음 보이는 Calzadilla de la Cueza(칼자디야 데 라 쿠에사) The ..
day15 - Frómista(프로미스타)에서 Carrión de los Condes(카리온 데 로스 콘데스)까지 Población de Campo(포블라시온 데 캄포)에 걸린 풍경(바람종) 두 갈래 길이 있어요 - 이 길은 강가를 따라서 가고; 다른 하나는 좀 더 안으로 들어갑니다. 길표시 Villavieco(비야비에코)를 향해 사진이 없어진 것 ..
day14 - Castrojeríz(카스트로헤리스)에서 Frómista (프로미스타)까지 대부분의 과거의 길은 현재 포장이 되었어요. 그렇지만 이 길은 지금까지 남아있는 가장 분명한 길이네요. 오르막 뒤로 펼쳐진 Castrojeriz(카스트로헤리스)를 돌아보며 Burgos(부르고스)주의 마지막 샘터 Hostal San Miguel(오스탈 산 ..
day13 - From Burgos to Castrojeríz Leaving Burgos Fountain Just cloudy today and still quite damp underfoot Flowers Waymark and cairn Arroyo San Bol - according to reports, one of the most basic but also one of the most interesting refugios on the camino, miles from the nearest habitation Flowers The meseta goes on... and on... and on. Restaurant owner demonstrating the (mis-)pouring o..
day12 - From San Juan de Ortega to Burgos First view of Atapuerca Atapuerca Road to Olmos de Atapuerca Restaurant: accommodation opening soon Very steep ascent, with sheep Flowers Flowers Flowers Flowers Flowers Cross Very few waymarks to guide you down the hill into Burgos so most pilgrims end up on the main N1 One of the many delightful squares in Burgos Seated pilgrim Detail of font Cathedra..
day11 - From Belorado to San Juan de Ortega New Camino footbridge on leaving Belorado Entering Espinosa del Camino The town fountain also has goldfish in it Many old houses lie empty along the camino - it is cheaper to build new ones. Cowslips Waymark and landscape Ruins of Abade de San Felices Villafranca Montes de Oca; the El Pajaro gave us a very good meal This refugio had lots of space for ..
day10 - From Santo Domingo de la Calzada to Belorado Very wet start in the early dawn Santo Domingo waymarks Cross along the way First view of Gruñon Church Pilgrim fountain complete with scallop Bar which did a very good breakfast including an omelette Pavement mark The camino crosses from La Rioja into Castile The Castile waymark Stepping stones over a very full river Village fountai..
day 9 - From Nájera to Santo Domingo de la Calzada First view of Azofre A large kitchen in this refugio A group of pilgrims having a well-earned meal Bunk beds in the refugio Side trip to the monasteries south of Azofre Monastery of Yuso Not Santiago as you might think but San Millan Font carved from a single walnut tree Vestibulary with chests for each monk's clothes Ceiling detail Su..
Stage 8 - From Logroño to Nájera Bike storage and clothes drying in the refugio at Logroño. They also had two free Internet computers! The Pilgrim's fountain in the early dawn 40 km excursion to the castle of Clavijo which looks over the site of the battle in 844 where St James appeared on his white horse and slew 40 000 Moors but no-one in the village knew where the ..