문상현의 카미노 (링반데룽)

산티아고 가는 길(프랑세스) #8일차 본문

까미노 데 산티아고

산티아고 가는 길(프랑세스) #8일차

까미l노 2008. 8. 28. 18:41

Stage 8 - From Logroño to Nájera



Bike storage and clothes drying in the refugio at Logroño. They also had two free Internet computers!

The Pilgrim's fountain in the early dawn

40 km excursion to the castle of Clavijo

which looks over the site of the battle in 844 where St James appeared on his white horse and slew 40 000 Moors

but no-one in the village knew where the battle was

and the caster with its wafer-thin wall had the slight air of a film set

Clavijo has an impressive pelota court

Back in Logroño, a monument which could have been a sundial but wasn't

The camino is a bit indistinct as it crosses the new ring road

but is a nice smooth path after it

winding round a lake

and through a wood

with a fountain

and official waymark notices at crucial points

There are not many buildings outside the villages; this empty house would be ideal if your lifelong ambition is to run a refugio!

The red and white waymarks are quite common too

If you can identify this flower, please send an Email

Vineyards are a major feature of this part of the camino

The bull

A short stretch which is actually along the main road - fortunately it has a very wide verge area

The ruins of the Hospital of St. John of Acre on the outskirts of Navarete

Red and white "change of direction" waymark plus the universal yellow arrow

Red and white "wrong way" waymark

Cafe Los Arcos in Navarete - good food and shelter from the rain

The refugio in Navarete

Modern statue and church

The doorway from the Hospital of St. John which was moved to this cemetery in the last century

A new waymark

Cornflower or Bachelor's Button           Centaurea cyanum (thanks to Dale Calder for identifications)

Another new kind of waymark

If you can identify this flower, please send an Email

A cement plant outside Nájera

Wooden bridge on the outskirts

Church with stork's nests

Monastery in Nájera, built into the sandstone cliff

Red sandstone and vineyards on the way out